Wednesday 6 April 2011

Finding Repeats Patterns In Photos

This image (sourced from Flickr) has a repeated shoe pattern.

Using the skills we have been taught in class, we were asked to find the actual pattern which is being repeated. I used the brush tool in photoshop to outline where each pattern repeats.

It can be seen that the shoe pattern is a half drop repeat pattern :)

Using Flickr Images






3 Repeats Created on Photoshop


How this was created:
1.       Open new canvas
2.       Rectangular marquee tool > select area > paintbucket tool > choose colour > click inside selected area
3.       Continue selecting areas using rectangular marquee tool, and fill this rectangle with colours
4.       In this case I have created a stripe pattern using the colours from my flower montage, which I created using a section of a costume from my ballet russe sketch.
5.       Save pattern


How this was created:
  1. Firstly, create your pattern
  2. Edit > define pattern > name it
  3. Select all > edit > fill > select pattern you just created
    1. File> save as> repeat
    2. Combine all layers: select all layers > menu > merge layers
    3. Select all > edit >  define pattern


(image cannot be uploaded for some reason)
·           Image > merge
·           Select all > edit > copy (command C)
·           Image > image size (write width, height in pixels)
·           Filter > other > offset > make sure wrap around is selected
·           (F4 – calculator)
·           Split the pixels that you recorded before
·           Option to half pixels horizontally or vertically > ok
·           Image > canvas size (to make canvas bigger)
·           We want to double the size: percent > width 200 > change squares/grid
·           Paste image and move half way
·           Merge layers
·           Save pattern
·           To test: new layer > edit > fill > pattern
To make pattern bigger and bigger
  • Make image smaller > edit > transform
  • Shortcut Command T also to make it smaller
  • Move image
  • Copy and paste layer: select layer> command C > command V
  • Hover move tool over particular image > right arrow > background copy
  • Hold alt key > arrow is white > click and drag to copy and paste (now have two layers).
  • Alt > shift > click and drag for more precise copy and make sure they’re repeating
  • Merge layers